Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Beware of this possible Wechat Scam, stock drop 70% in a day - Andy Yew ...

Andy Yew sharing on recent penny stock crash, could be link to some wechat scam that is going on recently. Right now there are some stock that is under restrictive trade, meaning you cannot buy online yourself. (Have to go thru broker)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

PENNY STOCK投资仙股容易赚钱吗? Andy Yew Vlog Ep 8

Andy Yew 游俊昌 - Cityplus FM interview with DJ Yoga - Part 3 - Final

股票能赚钱吗?新手怎么能在股市提高赚钱的机会? Andy Yew Vlog Ep 7

Andy Yew (游俊昌)Cityplus 电台分享如何通过投资股票赚钱?
很多人好奇,真的可以通过投资股票赚钱吗?答案是: 可以。每一位世界首富都有一个共同点: 一间代表着他们身份的公司 - 通过融资从股市里赚钱,其身价也随着股价上涨而飙升。同样的道理, 股民也可以通过投资这些公司的股票以增值自己的财富!

- 了解现在的趋势并投资上升趋势的股票。(如:食品股)
- 避免短期投资 (理想持有期为3个月)
- 能自立地筛选和决定要投资的股票。

如何避开亏损 /入套?
- 适时需要割肉止损,避免抄底。
- 筛选股票的过程中不能只取决于新闻或道听途说的“故事”。

可以到www.winbigtrend.com/chinese 看看我们的WEBINAR

Tencent Holdings 0700.HK

Hong Kong Stock Tencent Holdings (0700.HK) was down since Mar 2018, recently price begin to turn around and the system manages to catch the rebound with blue bar arrow.... 

Business Summary

Tencent Holdings Limited is an investment holding company principally involved in the provision of value-added services (VAS) and online advertising services. The Company operates through three main segments. The VAS segment is mainly involved in provision of online/mobile games, community value-added services and applications across various Internet and mobile platforms. The Online Advertising segment is mainly engaged in display based and performance based advertisements. The Others segment is mainly involved in provision of payment related services, cloud services and other services. Tencent also own Wechat, one of the popular chatting platform with multiple functions. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Galaxy Entertainment ( 0027.HK )

Hong Kong Stock Galaxy Entertainment (0027.HK) was down since May 2018, recently price begin to turn around and the system manages to catch the rebound with blue bar arrow.... 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

2019 会是熊市吗?熊市应该怎么办?哪一些股票要小心? Andy Vlog Ep 6


Andy Yew 游俊昌 - Cityplus FM interview


在2018年,道琼斯指数表现地跟过去几年不一样, 它出现了横盘的状态,即没有跌破也没有突破, 漂浮在24000-26600点之间牛市尾声的征兆。如果2019年道琼斯指数跌破24000点(6个月的新低)或23500点(1年低点),那就代表着熊市即将来临。

答案:当然! 但必须等待熊市结束后才趁低吸纳。(熊市几时结束?当它不再创新低)

其实在2018年,香港和中国已经进入熊市,两国的指数已跌破20% ,各股(如:腾讯)也已跌超过40%。但大家需要明白,熊市不会导致股市跌到90% (例如:2008年股灾只跌了50%)。所以当股市已跌20 + % 时,其实已经是熊市的尾声。大家需要做的是,注意其经济是否有反弹/复苏的现象,并在危机里寻找转机。当然,大家需要小心筛选,并不是全部的股票都会在股灾后反弹,原因可能是它们处于下跌趋势的板块(例如:报社/报馆) 。


可以到www.winbigtrend.com/chinese 看看我们的WEBINAR

Is market going to crash in year 2019? I believe everyone has this question in mind.

After the 2008 stock market crash, the US stock market has been in the bull market for 10 years. However, the global economy has recently begun to decline.

My answer is: the possibility is very HIGH!

If the Dow Jones index falls below 24,000 (6-month low) or 23,500 (1 year low) in 2019, it means the bear market is coming.

03 Jan 2019
Dow Jones Average - 22686.22

Remember? Our investment method is Trend Following.

Then everyone will ask: Is it a good time to enter during bear market?

Answer: Of course! But you must wait for the bear market to end before buying back(buy @ discounted price).
(When does the bear market end? When it stop to drop / create new low)

And what should we do before the end of the bear market?

The answer is: Use CFD to sell short!

How to sell short a stock with a stoploss, please refer to the following video: